Services offered by phsicc

"We are a religious charity that propagates the Islamic religion for the benefit of the wider public. We cater specifically for the Muslims that have come from the West African country of Ivory Coast, Mali, Burkina Fasso, and Guinee."

Prayer Service

The Peckham High Street Islamic and Cultural Centre is open for all of the five daily prayers. During the daytime the prayer halls can be used for reading the Qur’an and quiet contemplation. It can accommodate over 150 people, including space dedicated just for women. During busy times, such as Friday prayer, Eid prayer and the Tarawih prayers in Ramadan, an additional 200 people can be accommodated outside the mosque in Bulyard Close and also around the mosque buildings, with audio coming directly from the mosque.

Advices & Counselling

Muslims turn to the mosque for help and advice in all matters of their day–to–day life. The Imams at The Peckham High Street Islamic and Cultural Centre has been trained to counsel on the many concerns of the community such as bereavement, cultural challenges, generational issues and matrimonial problems.

Marriage Solemnisation

The Peckham High Street Islamic and Cultural Centre holds family life as the building block of a successful society, and marriage is the key to a successful and fruiteful family life. The Peckham High Street Islamic and Cultural Centre facilitates the solemnisation of an Islamic contract of marriage. The newly-married couple is provided with an official ‘Nikah’ certificate to show they have been married according to Islamic Law.

Women Empowering

The PHSICC is working in partnership with the local Women association to help them and empower them in matters that are of greater concern to them and equip them with tools that can help them in their daily life such as the job search skills and how to overcome domestic violence. An experienced and professional female counsellor holds counselling sessions once a week, to help female members of the community constructively cope with any difficulties they might Face

Young Muslim One Stop

Young Muslim One Stop Shop is a programme to assist young children. It help them keep away from street crims and occupy them with activities that can help them in their daily life. We work with a lot of local organistions that are involved in the same programme and also with the local authorities such as the the council and the police.

Lawyer Advice Services

We invite local volunteer solicitors to provide Once a month, free surgery to help those who might need professional legal advice but perhaps could not afford the consultation fees.

Reading & Trainings

Also, the Saturday Afternoon Tafseer in Malinke is held every weekend from 6.30 to 8pm which is open to all men and women.