Coronavirus: Measures to protect ourselves and our community
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As the corona virus is now a pandemic we must make sure that we do our best to delay the spread of the disease and to protect ourselves and everyone in our communities.
If any of the attendees are experiencing continuous coughing or high fever to self isolate for seven days.
If you are experiencing symptoms such as breathing difficulties or coughing or feve it is more important to stay at home rather than attend Mosque activities
It is religiously obligatory (wajib) for you to keep away and self-isolate if you have been diagnosed with Coronavirus in order to prevent the virus from spreading. Preventing harm, especially to others, takes precedence over attaining benefit.
If someone in a Mosque congregation experiences symptoms, keep a 2-metre distance from others. Maintain a specific isolation room for such congregants, and call NHS 111
It is advisable to make wudhu at home and bring your own prayer mats. If wudhu has to be done in the mosque, use paper tissue rather than any communal towels.
Avoid physical contact, maintain general good hygiene and take care of their health more generally, as it is an amana (sacred trust) from Allah
The elderly and the chronically ill should take extra precautions because they are at greater risk of death from Coronavirus. They should be encouraged to not pray in congregation.
Remember that you should wash your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds when returning home from the Mosque and at general intervals throughout the day.
Finally we pray for the best of health for everyone and that Allah (swt) protect us all and the wider society in these troubled times.